

Deukuma Society

'Making German fun, one ludicrous word at a time

Guten Tag Kumpels from us all here at Deukuma!


We're the new and improved Deukuma, the German Society of Maynooth University.


Our aim is to make the German language and culture come alive right here on campus.

Despite our tagline, we aren't just here for the language element of German! German culture is not just about the Bier und Bratwurst, but about having the craic!

We want our German members to teach us about the culture of their regions, and most of all, we want you to tell us why you love Germany as much as we do.

We are going to run movie nights, "Stammtische" or "Regular Table", Kaffee und Kuchen mornings aaand last but certainly not least, organise a trip to Germany! Those are just some of the ways you'll find friends in Deukuma.

So komm mit! You can be a native speaker or have no German at all, this is your society and we just want you to join in and have a great time!


Mit Liebe,


We don't have anything planned right now but check back soon!
There are no current news articles.


Sorry, there are no memberships available to purchase.