

Business Society

MU Business Society - where your greater journey begins!

Maynooth University Business Society is one of MU's leading societies, having been accredited a number of awards at Clubs & Societies Awards over the past 5 years including Societies League Table Winners, Society Person of The Year and the Give A Little, Do A Lot Charity Award.


With this society, we aim to assist students in their search for both work placement and employment, carry out charity and community work, provide socializing and networking platforms, and bring to you a variety of guest speakers throughout the year. Our society is open to all MU Students from all years and faculties.


This year again we have our amazing members discount card providing some fantastic deals and offers for our members with brands such as The Roost, Mischief, Capatian Americas, Wow Burger and Nightlife Ireland.


Once again we are delighted to have PwC come on board as our main sponsor. PwC is Ireland''s largest professional services firm offering services in Assurance, Risk, Tax and Consulting and will be joining us throughout the year.

We don't have anything planned right now but check back soon!
There are no current news articles.


Sorry, there are no memberships available to purchase.