Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

There shall be a Board of Trustees to defend the long-term interests of the Union and oversight and responsibility in relation to the Union’s financial, commercial, budgetary and corporate governance matters and shall oversee the following aspects of the Union’s:

  • Finances, financial management and financial planning
  • Commercial activities and commercial development
  • Expenditure and financial controls
  • Corporate governance
  • Implementing a conflict of interest policy which shall be binding on all officers of the Union
  • Policies, procedures and costs in relation to expense payments to Union officers and staff and all comparable expenditure
  • Employment and management of staff

The Board of Trustees shall:

  • Before final approval by the Board of Trustees, review, comment upon, and amend the Union’s annual budget, in consultation with the President and the finance function of the Union
  • Present the Union’s approved annual budget to the Executive and the Student Senate annually;
  • Monitor compliance with the Union’s annual budget on a regular basis
  • Make appropriate proposals to the President to rectify any negative deviation from the budget
  • Ensure that annual accounts are prepared and audited and appoint the Union’s auditors
  • Present the audited annual accounts to the Executive and the Student Senate annually
  • Assist the President in developing the Union’s strategic plan
  • Approve the Union’s strategic plan
  • Safeguard the Unions’ assets
  • Determine annually, at least six weeks before the election of the Sabbatical Officers for the following academic year, the Terms & Conditions of Officership for the Sabbatical Officers for the following academic year


  • MSU President
  • Alex Balfe
  • Molly Bukley
  • Lorna FitzPatrick
  • Richard Hammond S.C. - Vice Chairperson
  • Paddy Hennessy - Chairperson
  • Dr Rory McDaid
  • Cathy Pembroke

In Attendance:

  • Dillon Grace | Director General - Secretary



Article 17.5 of the MSU Constitution outlines the membership of the Board of Trustees, as follows:

  • The MSU President
  • The most immediate past MSU President
  • Not less than five other external members who have demonstrated considerable commercial and administrative skills

